2:40 am. 28 Cornelia St, Brooklyn; Police responded to a 911 call regarding a potential shots fired. Upon investigation police discovered the it was an attempted robbery. Police advise that no one appears hurt. Officials are however canvassing local hospitals for potential victims.

Police speak with witnesses

A source on the scene told SLEUTH that the incident began with a group attempting to steal a car. The shots occurred during this altercation, either as a scare tactic or missed attempts of murder. The group proceed to flee from the scene in at least two vehicles (including the stolen one). The stolen vehicle was left less than a block from the initial incident on Broadway, the suspects were able to get away. A prior crime may have ties involving the group, which meant two precincts were present at the investigation.

The images below show both scenes. The first at 28 Cornelia, and the other at the intersection of Broadway and Cornelia. The first area is taped off as ESU (Emergency Services Unit) searches for evidence.

If you have any information that may help police find the suspects please call 800-577-TIPS for the NYPD Crime Stoppers hotline.

Scene on 28 Cornelia St
Scene at Broadways and Cornelia St.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. I was wondering what happened. Thanks for clearing it up.

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